Personal information but gets http 500 error. Why need www. in URL?
19.06.2011bah! regression! now this fails again.
Un-owned Junkets (Tipits)
25.05.2011how about the same thin, only for twitter, and identity services?
Can't create a Escrow tipit, says 'Insufficient Bitcoins'
25.05.2011Well, having 0.1 btc PLUS the amount that YouTipIt subtracts as a fee should be enough. Otherwise, if I sent 0.01 BTC and YouTipIt gets that as...
Copy to Clipboard not working for Embeddable Widgt
17.05.2011Intersting, if I drag a corner of the text input and widen it then the button drops underneath rather than being on the side and works.
Ability to sort by date so can see the newest since a previous time
17.05.2011Nice, ... now sortable by date.
The name Junket is inappropriate: Better is Tipit
17.05.2011It is now a "tipit"
How to prove that I am the onwer of the TipIt's content?
16.05.2011From My TipIt, I click Edit for an existing TipIt: Make my edit then click Save and...
After tipping, cannot easily return to last Junket
07.03.2011Either i missed it earlier, or you've since added it -- the first link in the list following a tip very clearly gives an option to go right back to...
send content back to members that tip me as a reward.
05.03.2011Should the status of this ticket be changed then? Still shows "Scheduled". It's completed, in production, apparently. but gets http 500 error. Why need www. in URL?
14.02.2011The issue has since been resolved, thanks, youtipit!

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