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I like your new mobile site, much easier to use. My only querk with it is that the pics of the links at the top are kind of distorted. Also, it would be cool if you had the show all link at the top, not sure if it's in with the site navigation but I
31.03.2014there does seem to be a glitch on iOS 5.1 and under where you have to tap the site navigation multiple times to get it to open. we are...
Change it back to the way it was, new version sucks!!!
30.03.2014as i posted on the site, this kind of "feedback" is not helpful in the slightest: Guys! if you don't like something about the new site or...
it is okay but I miss the abilty to increase my view
30.03.2014you can still do it on the full image page. we are looking into changing this everywhere though. thanks for the comment.
Change it back to the way It was
28.03.2014are you using your desktop or mobile? what don't you like about it?
It would be perfect if every thing wasn't so big
28.03.2014are you viewing it from your mobile? if so, which one? the main point of it being mobile friendly is so everything is just there and you don't...
on your mobile site, please make the pics fit the screen!
28.03.2014even better, if you can take a screenshot of the page on which you'd like to see the pics fit the screen better and post it here, or email it to...
on your mobile site, please make the pics fit the screen!
28.03.2014even better, if you can take a screenshot of the picture you'd like to see "fit the screen" and post it here, or email it to us:...
The format is really weird on my iPhone 5, everything is too large and out of place
28.03.2014any chance you can take a screenshot , upload it and post it here? if not, can you email it to us please? contact details are here:...
on your mobile site, please make the pics fit the screen!
28.03.2014which pics?

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