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How do we record more than one hit for an article? If I record a hit by -complete the mission-, it goes to completed missions and cannot be hit again.
15.10.2016The system is set up to record just one hit...I think it's unnecessary to record more than one hit...The goal is to have as many different...
On social media war room it would be nice for us to be able to notify when we find a link is out of date. One of the current links has had commenting disabled and there is no clear way to let an admin know.
05.07.2016Thanks for your suggestion...We will be implementing this suggestion.
It might be relevant to have an option for entering a candidate's position on COS (as opposed to just incumbents)
05.07.2016Thanks for you suggestion...We will be implementing this suggestion in the coming days. Thanks for your support of COS!
Can you please start checking the - article:published_time - on articles submitted to the SMW for time validity. There should be a protocol for only current articles? No gas for the rearview! Breaking news is not March 2015 when its May 2016.
05.07.2016Thank you for your suggestion...This has been implemented...When you find an article that is either out of date or closed for comments, you can hit...
Starting yesterday (4/12/16) buttons for compled mission and submitting a possible mission no longer work. I've tried 3 browsers, restated my computer, and cleared the cache. I'm stuck!
13.04.2016Thank you for reporting this issue, it has been fixed. Please try completing your missions!
Game Support has NO content
31.07.2015Functionality to add articles is in place, need content editors adding posts.