Personal information
Add different languages support
08.08.2012Support for different languages has been added to version 10.0. A beta is available if anyone would like to help validate the translations or get...
Allow the import/synchronisation of contacts between iPhones, iPads and other mobile phones or mobile devices
18.01.2011Yes, direct sync is on my list of things to investigate.
Allow Import/synchronisation of calendars amd events from iPhones and other mobile phones and devices
18.01.2011Colin, congratulations on having the number one idea! You should be receiving an email containing a link to install a licensed version of the...
Allow the desktop callender to be click-through-able. So one can open folders, doc's etc behind it with a hot key.
17.01.2011Thank you for the suggestion. Unfortunately, I'm not sure this is technically possible. This is more a Windows limitation than anything else. A...
make it free always (joke)
17.01.2011There's a Lite version which is free. Of course, the Pro version adds many more features, such as 2-way Google Calendar sync, email/SMS reminders,...
simplify the steps to add daily events like work, celebrations, appointments, and meetings to the calendar. Perhaps a one-touch click to add a work shift, or click on the health category to add a doctor's appointment.
17.01.2011Thank you for the suggestions. These are some interesting ideas and ones I'll consider designing into the software. In the meantime, there is an...
Add different languages support
17.01.2011This is something I've been planning for a long time. I started working on it last year and got side-tracked on making some other improvements. I'm...
Include the ability to trigger other events with a reminder such as the launch of programs or websites
17.01.2011Actually, this is already a feature. You can configure a program to run when an event/task starting time is reached. You can also specify...
MLB event calender, thank you
17.01.2011No worries, I'm planning on adding MLB schedules, as soon as the 2011 schedules are available in iCal format. Currently, only the 2010 schedules...
have it as a screensaver so that you have a chance of seeing it if u forget to check it
17.01.2011Thank you for the suggestion. I have this on my list of planned improvements, including settings for controlling how much information is visible....

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