Personal information
Make it support multiple/different accounts/users.
20.10.2010Great comments, thank you. This one is also in works.
As a security related program, it is surprising your installation is not signed. Signing is simple, relatively cheap, and would boost user confidence in your product.
20.10.2010As one of the kind moderators of GOTD wrote here: The installation is signed actually, and it is GOTD protection methods that prevent the...
Add an Online Account in Sticky for password access
20.10.2010In another word add additional place for storing your encrypted personal data database. Yes, also a consideration we are making now. But as you can...
Support web pages with varying authentication questions which change each time you visit the web site
20.10.2010Work in progress on this one, good comment though. Always difficult however to recognize a universal tag, as each bank does it a bit differently....
to be able to add information that is not in the templates, like pin numbers for some accounts, an ip adress on for an other, or a the answer to a seq question or the licencecode of a piece of software, or temporary a couponcode, ect,ect . so why not
20.10.2010Most of these requests will really be answered in couple weeks with the new version. You will have a chance to store notes, credit card numbers and...
enter all sorts of information, not according to the templates
20.10.2010Good comment, coming right up in version 5.0. Stick around for November release!:-)
enter all sorts of information, not according to the templates
20.10.2010Good comment, coming right up in version 5.0. Stick around for November release!:-)