Personal information
User can use old rights even if deleted from account list
15.01.2013I have the impression, something does not fully fit yet. I just tried to open the page with IE9. Then I was...
No extra registration at Idea.Informer required
18.12.2012I did not find this way and suggestions I tried to make were swallowed without comment until I not only signed in but also confirmed after I...
User role descriptions don't fit to selection available in Combo-Box
18.12.2012Very cool. Thanks for the fast response! I would not have guessed that the contributor has less rights than the user, as the order in the...
Invite Users to only join editing a specific pad
18.12.2012Thanks so much for your super rapid response. With the now available explanation about the rights of the contributor I guess this could be a good...
Export to Plain Text and keep line breaks
17.12.2012The icing on the cake would be such a navigation bar already in primary pad! Especially for larger documents that is a real time saver!
Export to Plain Text and keep line breaks
17.12.2012Unfortunately with the Copy-Paste the heading structure information does not survive - it is not translated into Word headings, just a similar look...
Export to Plain Text and keep line breaks
17.12.2012Export to other file formats or copying to other pads looses all formatting. That is a big disadvantage and makes the feature useless!!! The only...
17.12.2012But you would need a language management (at least the capability of selecting a main pad language).
rename pad
17.12.2012The workaround is not the best, as it does not only loose revisions as mentioned by markfisher, but the whole formating as well (tested with...