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Pricing for both English & Multi-Language should make it Same. Thanks.
11.10.2012Hello! the multi language version has about 20 translated languages in it, compared to one in the English version. It takes more up-keeping and...
Need permission to add facebook, it does go to facebook and put information about this software
11.10.2012Once installation is over, you are simply transferred over to our facebook page, that's all. It's up to you if you want to join it and you can...
Add read and write support for FreeArc's version of the .arc format. Its file type optimized compression is up to 5 times faster than others in certain situations.
11.10.2012How do FreeArc's Arc archives differ from regular Arc archives? PA handles Arc archive and if you come across an issue with PA handling Arc...
The programs interface is quite complex and cluttered, try tabbng the various tools so as to give a cleaner GUI
11.10.2012Try switching to the Classic instead of the Modern view, that might work better for you. Thanks,
I would like PowerArchiver to create strongly encrypted, one-off, self-destructive archives that would anihilate just after decompressing the content, with no traces left and impossible to undelete/recover
11.10.2012Hello, PowerArchiver features strong FIPS 140-2 AES 256 encryption, including DoD 5220.22 Temporary file Wiping which does exactly what you seem...
include a portable version
11.10.2012It's in the works for this year already.
I found the configuration options bewildering. Include an idiots guide to configuring the software
11.10.2012Hello, our help documentation thoroughly goes through the configuration options. You can find it here;...
Improve the help documentation. Add video tutorials so that novice users can get the most out of this software.
11.10.2012Also, you will find the help section here;
Allow users not to associate power archiver with file types. - when unchecking the option you are still forced to associate before installation can complete.
11.10.2012Windows Vista/7 keeps a cache of file associations and it may associate some archives automatically. This is a Windows issue. In our tests,...
Provide a portable version too.
11.10.2012PowerArchiver did feature a USB version, however it was U3 Usb only. A complete USB version is in the plans for the future.

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