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Add some explanation to 'PowerArchiver Queue' during installation.
11.10.2012What OS are you using?
Disable recording and sending of usage data by default.
11.10.2012we understand, thats why we made it so it sends only numbers, so there is nothing "damaging" sent in any case (and it can easily be seen), plus it...
tidy up the right click menu - file archiver has four spots in the menu. allow a drop down menu type like 7-Zip
11.10.2012Hi, it is completely configurable... you can use both submenus and root options, both at the same time, whatever you preffer. Just check under...
Add some explanation to 'PowerArchiver Queue' during installation.
11.10.2012Hi, you can easily disable it in the future if not needed, from any window that uses it basically.
Provide a portable version too.
11.10.2012In plans for this year for sure! Thanks!
Optionally let us add hash functions like md5 to the right click context menu for all files like HaoZip does. This is a very useful feature and lets me keep my context menus clean if I don't need a separate program in their to do file integrity check
11.10.2012we have been thinking about this for a while now, thank you.
Disable configuration options that are not part of the edition (and nagging windows to upgrade).
11.10.2012there are no nagging windows to upgrade, once you register, all of the options in main window dissapear... so if you have standard, in main windows...
option that will not install deamon on the computer, every app is trying to do that, then you have in task bar large amount of apps running that consume memories. I may want to chose an option that does not resides in memory at all time, i do not ar
11.10.2012Hello - there is an option for that, by default it is DISABLED, however it is needed if you want to use PA Queue, since there is something that...
Develop & include plug-ins for popular open-source mail programs like Thunderbird and the bat; include in standard edition
11.10.2012it is something we have been considering for a while now... next up for us is to add Outlook 2013 support.
Disable recording and sending of usage data by default.
11.10.2012Hi, it is being sent only during update, before doing it, it asks you if you want to send it or not (first time). It does not send anything...

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