Personal information
13.05.2011Actually I tested auto update of this extension - in most cases it worked. But sometimes on some computers and some extension versions I was...
Create a larger database of icons
18.04.2011Please upload logo on some image hosting (e.g. Picasa requires special access level or something similar
Favicon Issue
16.04.2011Сейчас расширение не меняет иконку в табе. А на прозрачность я никак повлиять не...
Favicon Issue
16.04.2011Сейчас расширение не меняет иконку в табе. А на прозрачность я никак повлиять не...
Create a larger database of icons уже добавлен. Перезагрузи несколько раз его миниатюру. Иногда сайт тупит и...
Create a larger database of icons
08.04.2011Since we don't copy images into extension and that images are in free access then I think there's nothing wrong to include links into extension
Support for Local Images
08.04.2011I already implemented this and uploaded it to moderation (version 1.1). It should be published in a few days. This works so: if user enters file...
Support for Local Images
08.04.2011I already implemented this and uploaded it to moderation (version 1.1). It should be published in a few days. This works so: if user enters file...
Create a larger database of icons
08.04.2011Of course you may! Any help is appreciated. You (and other users) can post here pairs of site name and image url.
"Restore from backup" function bug
07.04.2011Fixed and will be uploaded to opera repository soon

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