Personal information
Song Length Imported into service
17.02.2012Here's an edit link:!/settings/elements/choruses
Song Length Imported into service
17.02.2012Why are you not able to edit someone else's song? All elements are publically editable. Unless something's broken--- can you confirm that you...
Add Group Functionality
17.02.2012So you would like to show groups in the rundown?
Song Length Imported into service
17.02.2012No, there isn't a total runtime feature yet-- I have just been shooting to be done by a certain time. Would a total runtime be more useful than...
edit service title
17.02.2012OK, I just edited your services successfully. Go to the rundown of the service, click the title, and it will change to a text field. Change the...
edit service title
17.02.2012Never mind, 748. Checking now.
edit service title
17.02.2012What is your church_id number? I'll see if I can do it.
Log in with Facebook Accounts
04.01.2012I would like to see the ability to remind people using Facebook as well. It would be neat if Facebook would show us all our friends, and allow...
I would like to see better printing options. Clearer; Color....
04.01.2012You may need to clear your cache to see the effects on printing, as the style sheet associated with printing doesn't get reloaded sometimes.
Allow the service template to include roles outside of the service. It is repetitious to add roles outside the service each week. It would be great if you could include those as part of the service template.
04.01.2012Fantastic! Keep the ideas coming. Let's make it even easier and better. :D

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