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14.07.2012Deselect "search within my location" and look again. You may have to update your location to make sure you have the proper lng/lat coordinates set.
Search results incomplete/not fully functional
14.07.2012Sorry, I marked it as completed, then forgot about the text search and changes the status back. LOL ;) Everything should work, except text search.
Search results incomplete/not fully functional
13.07.2012Search based on distance and attributes is not completed! :) Search with words is next (mostly done already).
Search results incomplete/not fully functional
13.07.2012The search based on distance and attributes is not completed! :) Words are next (probably the most easy part ...)
Prompt a message on already watched listings
11.07.2012You mean a shortcut on a listing entry to watch a listing? I think you just recently created a request for this already ... or is this something else?
Google maps location lookup seems odd?
11.07.2012Doesn't matter, because I don't care about the name really. I get the longitude and latitude of that general area and then store it. Those name...
Posting a listing doesn't go in the right category
11.07.2012I don't understand what you mean. There is no "top category" called laptops.
More post suggestions..
11.07.2012Ordering fixed - forgot to apply the sort order sequence before displaying to the UI.
Issues with Contact Feature...
11.07.2012Not sure what you mean about the carbon-copy of messages, please give an example, as it relates to spam.
Issues with Contact Feature...
11.07.2012Not sure what you mean about the carbon-copy of messages, please give an example.

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