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9 votes
Optionally let us add hash functions like md5 to the right click context menu for all files like HaoZip does. This is a very useful feature and lets me keep my context menus clean if I don't need a separate program in their to do file integrity check
11.10.2012, 09:34
1 comment
1 vote
Include a more visual representation that the archive was created correctly by telling us its integrity was verified upon creation and display the related md5 sums or whatever. Please make it an option to automatically verify the integrity of newly c
11.10.2012, 09:28
1 vote
Improve internal viewer by letting it optionally pop out into its own window for full screen viewing like Haozip does.
11.10.2012, 09:24
2 votes
Improve thumbnail view mode to actually display thumbnail images instead of icons.
11.10.2012, 09:21
1 comment
1 vote
Add keyfile support for even more security when encrypting archives.
11.10.2012, 09:19
2 votes
Allow us to manually exclude certain file types from being compressed. Most videos and executables cannot be compressed at all and are a huge waste of time. Also add a smart file extensions feature option to do this automatically.
11.10.2012, 09:17

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