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Dream Hills. Captured Magic

Many years ago, Dream Hills was a merry, bustling kingdom. Its residents led a fairy tale life, good always triumphed over evil, and everyone was...

1 idea 0 comments 3866 views

Hope Lake

The Hope Lake Boarding School was abandoned long ago, when one of its teachers drowned by accident. Many years later, all of the female students...

4 ideas 0 comments 16616 views

Insane Cold

Jacob sat in the cafe, waiting for his wife. Helen had a special gift waiting for her for this anniversary: an amulet Jacob had picked up in an...

0 ideas 0 comments 12614 views

Flying Island Chronicles

At the very edge of one of the flying islands there lived a typical farmer, dreaming of a rich harvest. But his dreams were interrupted by giant...

0 ideas 0 comments 3816 views

Riddles of the Past

10 years ago, Emily Hanson lost her memory. Now she’s unable to remember anything that happened to her before her twentieth birthday. Suddenly, a...

0 ideas 0 comments 3829 views

Amulet of Dreams

Alison’s sudden illness was a shock to everyone: as the doctors threw up their hands in dismay, the girl withered with each passing day. There...

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