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4k Video Downloader constantly crashes on OS X and fails to finish downloading Youtube videos
19.07.2016Hi, Thank you for the info submission.
YouTube to MP3 hangs after 1-5 downloads
19.07.2016Hi, Thank you for information submission, we will check it asap.
19.07.2016Hi Ahmad, Thank you for the information submission, we will check it asap.
I just had a SSD Drive crash, no warning, this after two regular drives became unusable. I have back ups, but my key doen't work any longer. All Data lost. My license key is c0f3f7befc724a61a1456628d7130af2, for hou lucy,, plea
19.07.2016Hi, Your key has been retrieved, please try activating it again!
I love 4kstograms continual improvements, thats why I bought license. My question, of all these updates why isnt there a "pause all feeds" option. Its useful to subscribe to all feeds but if you add all feeds it takes up ram and runs slow.
19.07.2016Hi Chris, Thank you for the idea, we will consider implementing it!
YouTube downloads just "hang"
19.07.2016Hi Jim, Thank you for notifying us about this issue. We will check it as soon as possible. Have a nice day!
4k download could also download video from bbc pronunciation tips.
08.02.2016Hi, Make sure you upgraded 4K Downloader to version 3.8. If you did and that did not solve the problem, try doing the following: Firstly,...
The ability to set general options would be great. A few things would be maximum bandwidth allocated to all downloads, how many files to download at once, and queue management like being able to drag around which video to download first. There also i
17.01.2016we introduced already a bandwith speed control in the latest version.
youtube: "Error: can't download"
17.01.2016Firstly, please check your firewall or antivirus settings, it can block the download sometimes, try to switch off it completely and download...
set Age Gate off on Dailymotion before trying to download
08.11.2015Hello Guys, this issue has been fixed.

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