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Why do you NOT have resume turned on for your download page ?
19.10.2017Dear, users, Please, use the latest version, there is such an option.
4K Stogram: Multiple libraries
19.10.2017Dear users, Photos are saved in usernames' sub-directories.
From the moment "4K Stogram" does not work normally. Please confirm.
18.10.2017Dear users, You can contact 4K Download Support Team any moment. We would be glad to answer all your questions and help you.
4k stogram stuck updating stuck stuck stuck stuck i think refresh function broken!!!!!
18.10.2017Hello users! Please, use the latest version of 4K Stogram.
about the In the analysis...
18.10.2017Dear users, Long parsing is usually caused by a part of YouTube's servers being temporarily unavailable, please try to download the same video...
why my 4k video downloader can't parse any link ? plz help me
28.10.2016You cannot use CCleaner for this, you need to run regedit, where you will see a list of programs you have installed. Find 4K Download application...
How to add subscriptions and only download new videos.
21.09.2016Please open Subscriptions tab, paste in the link to the channel and when it has been analyzed and you have chosen preferable format, subtitles...
License limit
21.09.2016Please provide your purchase email or the key itself to our support team via They will help you.
Subtitles downloading doesn't work
08.09.2016Hi Ling, There is no subtitles in the provided video, that is why you cannot download them.
why my 4k video downloader can't parse any link ? plz help me
07.09.2016Additionally, if you are using 4K Video Downloader application on your work computer and have problems with downloading while at home everything...

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