Personal information
Error creating played game. Try again later. It's been doing this for a while. Specifically for Scrabble, which is what I've been trying to add a play for.
05.02.2024NemeStats was encountering some operational issues around the time this was reported. Since that time we have increased the max size of the...
Invitations doesn't work
14.01.2024I believe this has been resolved now. Thanks for the report!
Invitations doesn't work
19.01.2019Forgot to follow up on this one -- it was indeed broken for a while as the Sendgrid email service had to be reset. Please let us know if there are...
invited other players to group but they are unable to join.
19.01.2019Yikes! Can you email us at with more details? What is your Gaming Group, did the players receive the email, were they able to...
Avatar for users
19.07.2018We recently released an update to show Gravatars for all Players in your Gaming Group that are registered and who have a Gravatar. This isn't as...
Ability to delete a redundant gaming group.
24.03.2018You can now de-activate or permanently delete Gaming Groups via the "Manage My Groups" page.
Keep data private
24.03.2018For the foreseeable future the plan is to keep all of this information wide open. If there is enough of a demand we'll consider making it provide...
1 vs all // semi co-op games
12.01.2018The trade-off of implementing this is that it may cause additional clutter in the UI with yet another option for scoring... and the workaround is...
Too many NemePoints for players that play a lot
25.07.2017@Lorenzo -- we are ready to take on another big ticket enhancement or issue -- so we are revisiting this one again. I think it would be possible to...
Sync all plays of selected game groups to BG Stats
01.07.2017Also, sending messages to @BGStatsApp will also help get their attention.

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