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Revision of the 2nd Amendment
31.03.2012My whole point is to eliminate the ambiguity in the grammar of the existing 2nd amendment. It isn't clear if the right to bear arms applies to all...
Presidential Appointments
20.01.2012The Supreme Court is different, since it is the third branch of government. The existing rule for congressional approval should stand. My...
Change Congress procedures for voting on laws
30.10.2011I agree on this. We should have more votes recorded not less. With the rules as they stand today, especially with the filibuster, it seems that...
eliminate the electoral college.
17.10.2011The electoral college is fine. It avoids the need to potentially have a nationwide recount. Today, only close races would need a recount. If we...
Direct Internet Democracy
17.10.2011No, my objection isn't technical. As someone with 20 years experience in the software industry, I understand what you're saying. But, legislating...
Direct Internet Democracy
17.10.2011I completely disagree. Essentially, what you're proposing is we have a committee of 300 million people responsible for drafting and debating all...
Election Rules and Term Limits
17.10.2011For the longest time, I too was against term limits. But, I think we have reached a point where it is needed. In any organization, there is a...
Make Presidential Election Day a Federal Holiday
17.10.2011I would go one step further and say that Veterans Day should be election day. What better way to honor our veterans than to exercise our right to...
Execution of Congressional Duties
17.10.2011I'm not clear on what exactly this is trying to say.
Limitations on Donations to Political Campaigns
17.10.2011Regarding anonymity/disclosure... I think we can leave it up to Congress to determine the rules around that. Regarding a cap, no. I somewhat...

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