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Is the beginning of "personhood" a subjective opinion?
31.12.2012Here's the original question: I take the position that the age at which we feel a human being should be granted the status of "personhood" is...
Is an armed society a civil or uncivil society?
31.12.2012Here's the original question, which I've restructured... but I think it has the same substance: Philosophers over at the NYT are publishing "a...
Should politicians refrain from making religious appeals and claims?
31.12.2012Here's the full text of the original question: How much support do you give for the Virginia Act for Establishing Religious Freedom when it...
Is "The Golden Rule" a valid and useful principle of ethics?
31.12.2012Here's the full question, as written: Diana, I think I recall that in a couple of podcasts, you'd mentioned that you consider the so-called...
Do humans ever act on instinct?
08.12.2012And here's a comment from Phillip that got deleted along with the original version of the question: Instinct is somekind of a natural urge, a...
Do humans ever act on instinct?
08.12.2012I had to delete and resubmit this question. Here's a comment from Jae that got deleted along with the original version of the question: I'll...
Is it wrong to work on a programming project that files tax returns?
23.11.2012I do edit the questions for brevity, as well as to make them more specific or more general to make them more suitable for the show. But I don't...
Is ambition a virtue?
07.11.2012For Ayn Rand on ambition, see:
Should we use an alternative voting system?
What is the purpose of government?
07.10.2012Some relevant links: "Man's Rights" by Ayn Rand: "The Nature of...

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